2023 - 2024
You were a very big year!
May I ...
Get fit
Practice more mindfulness
Enjoy more nature times
Always reflect on gratitude
Make more time to surf
Tidy up my emails
Drink more water
Not take on board the actions of others
Buy a plane ticket
Walk a Camino with my favorite daughter
See my investments flourish, and my lotto balls fall.
May I ...
Know true love
Publish that book
Learn to paint
Live my most meaningful life
Leave my job
Travel the world
Never return
Best wishes for 2024 🎉
May the year bring you all love, good health, peace, and happiness.
Deb x
A Prayer for Peace in Gaza
Pray for all those in Palestine and Israel caught up in the bombing of Gaza and rocket attacks aimed at Israel. Pray particularly for the children and those who were trapped in the rubble. Those injured and those who cannot sleep at night for fear. Give them rest and a dreamless sleep. Pray for those with the power to break the cycle of violence. Soften their hearts and minds. Pray to help them to make wise decisions in the face of these enormous challenges.
Happy New Year